Advanced Red Teaming - Maintaining Persistence

Blog by: Grant Knoetze

Maintaining persistence as a tactic includes actions that will ensure that your program will run if the target machine is restarted, there are various techniques that can be used to acheive persitence.

  • Advanced - Targeted, coordinated, purposeful
  • Persistent - Month after month, year after year
  • Threat - Attacker with intent, opportunity, and capability

Cyber-Kill-Chain definition courtesy of: Lockheed Martin.

Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain

Create a new registry key and acheiving persitence through modifying HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run, using Windows API's in C++. The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) pages are comprehensive as reference material.

The following C++ code has been added to our C++ "RedTeamAgent". I have written a C++ trojan that utilizes Windows API's and core features of the C++ language as it leverages Windows API's and functions to perform tasks and remain undetected. The UpdateRegistry function is useful here, as seen in the Gist below:

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Grant Knoetze

IT Support Specialist Cybersecurity Amalyst Software Developer

Useful Code for Red Teaming

This is code that I wrote to help me with red teaming. Disclaimer - Nothing on this page is intended for malicious purposes, anything that you do with any code is your own responsibility, never engage a target without written permission in the form of a signed contract.