Defense Evasion forms part of strategically hiding
or obfuscating important information, for example: strings.
- Advanced - Targeted, coordinated, purposeful
- Persistent - Month after month, year after
- Threat - Attacker with intent, opportunity, and
Cyber-Kill-Chain definition courtesy of: Lockheed Martin.
Lockheed Martin Cyber Kill Chain
There are 3 main tactics employed for defense evasion, namely;
- Hiding from the defenders - Techniques to encrypt and
data are employed.
- Blending in with the defenders - Disguise the malicious
activity as legitimate.
- Attacking the defenses, defense
Using C++ to Encrypt and Decrypt a String (URL or IP address for this
String encryption can be added into the C++ RedTeamAgent trojan software,
seen in the code below:
File Signature and Heuristics Bypass: Strings Encryption
Strings are important to blue team, malware analysts and
anyone doing any defensive security, and as such are commonly obfuscated
using encryption by the attacking side. For the attacker, this can be
a double edged sword as IDS/IPS and especially machine learning based tools will
immediately flag encrypted strings (especially domains and URL's) as
Strings are a good place for an investigator to begin looking for clues in text.
This step may form part of the basic static analysis of a malware sample.
For the sake of understanding this concept on a deeper level, let us
make an example of using strings to understand more about the malware...
Important Strings
Binary data contains strings which may be important to the SOC analyst
incident responder, and
certainly to the malware analyst. The analyst/responder will have to extract
strings from a set of data. As an attacker, we should have an awareness of what our
targets defenders will be looking for, and certatinly we want to keep key pieces of
information such as IP addresses obfuscated to delay and prevent our detection, and
detection of our activities. A real world APT group will be interested in
obfuscation of
text and other string data that has to be transmitted over a network.
- Commands for command prompt CLI (cmd.exe etc) although this is
suspicious and almost certainly will be flagged by ML tool
- Command and control (C2) servers or other functional URL's
- Registry entries
- printf* strings
- API's
- Processes, mutexes, file paths, passwords, keys, and PowerShell
File Signature and Heuristics Bypass: API Encryption
API's can speak to the functionality of the malware,
for example, is used by keyloggers primarily. With C++ this is prominent, take the
code snippet for example:
The function you see in the Gist above is a snippet taken from a custom red team trojan
mine; Disclaimer - All of my code is meant for legitimate security
use, none of it is intended for malicious purposes, and
anything that you do with any code is entirely your own responsibility
- Notice the API UpdateRegistry with its arguments, is common for C++ code,
the code written in the languages that C++ provides this vital link to Windows API's and
functions to. These would obviously be obfuscated, or be part of a false trail that does
produce anything vital to discovering the actual functionality and authors of the
All of your C++ RedTeamAgent API's are in the executable file in the import
which is very visible to
the malware analyst looking at the .exe file.
All API's are made equal (in that there are no malicious API's, only the people using
there are however API's that
are commonly used in malware (represent key functionality), and are thus flagged by
learning and AI tools especially easily, commonly included
in this list are API's that will allow the program to communicate over the internet, for
- HttpOpenRequest, HttpSendRequest and other Wininet functions
- GetAsyncKeyState, and other API's and functions widely used by
- DownloadUrlToFile
In combination with searching for important strings and decrypting them (to
URL's and domains, for example), an analyst
can begin to understand how the program works. As an attacker, we should employ tactics
techniques to evade defenses and detection based on our
understanding of how defenders and defensive and forensic investigative services and
analysts work (these are the people we are testing as red team operators). We should;
- Encrypt API's that represent key functionality
- Dynamically load API's
Encrypt API's that represent key functionality in C++
RC4 encryption added to the RedTeamAgent as seen in the Gist below, there
accompanying RC4 header and .cpp files that are part of the project solution, these
types of
algorithm open source projects are available on GitHub. They are relatively easy to
implement in
source code, as seen below.
The RC4 key that is used to encrypt the API (string) can be generated using
And the output below...
Message Box API in C++, using the useful structures feature in C++. The
engineer could create
a structure to get APIs, and group the values together.
And the output below...
Another example of the message box API without the structure for the APIs.